Sunday, September 21, 2014

Oh Bromeo, Bromeo where for art no homeo.

Hey There,

Long time no talk. haven't updated this in a while (cough cough since June). I just wanted to put up an update about the fact that I am not going to update this blog anymore. I realized that I have like 500 social media platforms and I can't maintain them or make them the best they can be. I have decided to make my tumblr blog my main blog and stop the blogspot (blog blog  blog blog). I know this will really only affect me, but hey I like to pretend that someone might be following what I do. No one is though.. I'm fine with that.. Completely fine.

Here's a drawing I did though. Might as well end on a high note.

 Peace out!

Hanna Wainio

1 comment:

  1. I think you should keep having a blogspot blog blog blog. Because blogspot is cool. Don't let anyone tell you any different. Plus I like reading your blog.
