Thursday, April 10, 2014

I am eating pancakes.

Well hello

As the title of this blog post suggest I am, indeed, eating pancakes. I made them with my own two hands and that is how i am eating them because I don't have any clean cutlery. I am finally all done school this year so that's a big ol' plus. :) I had my last exam yesterday and now I have five days to pack up my entire room and go home to Thunder Bay. I haven't been drawing that much lately and I feel kind of weird about it. I have been embroidering though, so that's exciting. It is actually a lot easier than I thought it would be and it is all the rage with the kids these days. So far I have done four different embroidery projects or whatever they are called. The first is just a random mix of me testing out stitches and stuff, the second is a tiny cactus, the third says "satsuma, live wasp and nightmares", and the fourth is a face.

This brings me to my obsession as of late. His name is Richard Ayoade and he is hilarious. He is a comedian and the director of the movie Submarine and I love him. He's a comedic genius and possibly just a straight up genius. He is the reason why I embroidered satsuma, live wasp and nightmares. 

In case you were confused by the second picture, no that is not embroidery, it is my bedroom. I just thought the two photos went well together.

That's all I have to say today.

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